StekkerBlok safety
StekkerBlok is a beautiful extension cord with a cool concept but it also need’s to be safe. These are some things to consider.
No ground
It is Not recommended to use a StekkerBlok with grounded appliances. The Stekkerblok has no outgoing ground connection. There is a high chance you already own an extension cord like this. You can use StekkerBlok like you would any ungrounded extension cord.
Load capacity
You can generally view a typical extension cord as a copper wire you can easily connect to. StekkerBlok is no different. There are no additional electrical components within StekkerBlok that affect the flow of electricity.
Load capacity generally depends on the thickness of the wire used and the plug contact patch. StekkerBlok’s wire thickness is 2 x 0.75mm², and inside StekkerBlok, the copper only gets bigger. You can easily pass 10A through StekkerBlok without it getting remotely warm or dangerous.
We use a custom SLA 3D printing process with a custom resin mixture. This gives StekkerBlok favorable material properties such as high-temperature resistivity and general toughness.
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